Feature #75
closedTransmission creator plugin
Sandrine Larboni
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Currently, the ETC-42 accepts the total transmission only as a dataset. There is the need though to use the ETC in a "fast" way, defining for example a constant transmission.
For this reason a plugin should be created which will allow for the generation of some standard transmission datasets. The user should be able to select a range of wavelengths for which the dataset will be created and one of the following types of shapes:
- Continuous: The transmission has the same value (given by the user) for all the range.
- Band-pass: The user gives a range inside which the transmission has a given value and outside it is zero.
- Gaussian: The transmission is a normalized Gaussian. The user should give the central wavelength and the FWHM to describe the Gaussian and the maximum value for which the Gaussian will be normalized.
Updated by Anonymous about 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
I had a look to the created plugin and there are some things that need to be fixed.
- Everything that is in the frame does not resize nicely.
- The range does not have unit.
- Choosing the shape would be nicer if it was done with a ComboBox and not RadioButtons (if we add 2-3 more shapes radio buttons will look very ugly).
- It would be better if the text boxes were extended to all the panel.
- When I press the "Create" button with wrong input there is nothing happening. A message displaying what is wrong should be shown.
- The band -pass and Gaussian maximum text fields have the normalForeground property set to white instead of black.
- It would be better to use only one maximum text field (instead of three), as it is common attribute for all the shapes.
Updated by Anonymous almost 13 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
Problems are fixed. The plugin will be available on 0.4.1.
Updated by Christian Surace over 7 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed