



Under this identifier are defined the priors on the potential parameters. It is advised to put the limit identifier just after the potentiel identifier. As the potential identifier, it is allowed to put comments after the identifier limit on the same line.

x_centre -- y_centre -- ellipticite -- angle_pos -- core_radius -- cut_radius -- v_disp -- exponent -- alpha -- beta

x_centre int float1 float2 float3

Gives limits for the x_centre parameters of the deflecting potential, when using the inverse mode.

int tells if and how should the optimizer handle the parameters. 0: the optimizer does not change the parameter, and keep the value defined within the potential list. 1: consider a flat prior with strict bounds float1 and float2. 3: consider a Gaussian prior with mean float1 and dispersion float2.

float1 is the minimum. float2 is the maximum. float3 is the precision desired on the parameters, be careful it is not a dispersion!
2: consider float1 and float2 as soft bounds. If the optimizer find a minimum outside this bounds, it will test it. 3: consider float1 as a soft bound, float2 as strict bound. 4: consider float2 as a soft bound, float1 as strict bound. -n: the optimizer will take n different values between float1 and float2, and try to optimize the others parameters. Only 2 parameters can have such limit mode.

y_centre int float1 float2 float3

Same thing.

ellipticite int float1 float2 float3

Same thing.

angle_pos int float1 float2 float3

Same thing.

core_radius int float1 float2 float3

Same thing.

cut_radius int float1 float2 float3

Same thing.

v_disp int float1 float2 float3

Same thing.

exponent int float1 float2 float3

Same thing.

alpha int float1 float2 float3

Same as exponent.

beta int float1 float2 float3

Same thing.