



Evolution #4427


Add a check function for parameter files

Added by Johan Richard about 7 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

Target version:
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Create an "internal check" function automatically run by lenstool with more explicit messages / warnings.

Possibility to have (optional) interaction with the user / different nivels of checks?

List of points to check (non-exhaustive):

  • number of optimised z_mult vs number of multiple images without redshifts (already implemented but message should be more explicit on the non-matched systems).
  • check if two images in one or several systems have exactly the same location (should not normally happen, but maybe could be override by the user?)
  • redshift differences in the same system ID.
  • number of lenses (nlens) vs number of potentials (Warning, re-adjustment, confirmation by the user...)
  • check if some wcs coordinates are completely off the rest (fixed limit ~ 5 arcmin? or dmax?, give a warning)
Actions #1

Updated by Guillaume Mahler over 6 years ago

When lenstool check the number of constraints by reading the file containing the multiple images,
Lenstool only read the line if the line end by an end line symbol.
Otherwise it just ignore the line and it does not count as a constraints when computing the dof.
I don't know if this wrong reading expand to the optimisation procedure too.

I only saw that feature for the last line of the multiple images file.

Actions #3

Updated by Johan Richard over 6 years ago

Regarding the last point made by Guillaume this has been fixed in revision 1399 of lenstool.

Actions #4

Updated by Johan Richard over 6 years ago

In addition, revision r1402 adds a warning in case an empty line is present in the input catalog.

Actions #5

Updated by Johan Richard over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

All checks are now included in revision r1421.

Actions #6

Updated by Johan Richard over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

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