


External maps

Set the potential profile to the type external maps

This potential takes parameters as [parameter] [int] [filename]

[parameter] can take the following values:
kappamap: a convergence map
gamma1map: a shear map (x-axis projection)
gamma2map: a shear map (y-axis projection)
dplxmap: a displacement map along the x direction.
dplymap: a displacement map along the y direction.
potenmap: a potential map

All maps should be provided as FITS format ([filename]), have the same WCS, and be normalised at DLS/DS=1 (apart from potenmap).

[int]: only read maps if non-zero. Value should be 3 for usual WCS formats (RA---TAN / DEC--TAN).

In addition the redshift of the plane is provided by the "z_lens" parameter.