


Fortran functions to get data

Here is a complete description of all Fortran functions used for getting data from snapshot.


uns_get_array_f get floating data array.

  • integer uns_get_array_f(ident,comp, tag, array, size_array) see arguments description below


uns_get_array_i get integer data array.

  • integer uns_get_array_i(ident,comp, tag, array, size_array) see arguments description below


uns_get_value_f get floating data value.

  • integer uns_get_value_f(ident, tag, value) see arguments description below


uns_get_value_i get integer data value.

  • integer uns_get_value_i(ident, tag, value) see arguments description below

return value

All uns_get_array_Y() methods, return a integer which is the size of array in case of success (requests exist), "0" otherwise.

All uns_get_value_Y() methods, return a integer "1" in case of success, "0" otherwise.

Arguments description

argument type description
ident integer specify identifier return by uns_init() function
comp character string specify requested component (see table below)
tag character string specify requested data type (see table below)
array real*4 or integer return an array fulfilled with the requested data
size_array integer size of array. For 2D arrays like array(3,MAX), use MAX
value real*4 or integer return one value fulfilled with the requested data

Components (comp)

From argument comp , we select the component to be treated.

component value description
gas Gas particles
halo Dark matter particles
dm Dark matter particles
disk Old stars particles
stars Stars particles
bulge Bulge particles
bndry bndry particles

Data (tag)

From argument tag , we specify which data we want to get.

tag value array size_array description
pos real*4 MAXSIZE return array of particles positions, pos(3,MAXSIZE))
vel real*4 MAXSIZE return array of particles velocities, vel(3,MAXSIZE))
mass real*4 MAXSIZE return array of particles masses, mass(MAXSIZE)
acc real*4 MAXSIZE return array of particles accelerations, acc(3,MAXSIZE))
pot real*4 MAXSIZE return array of particles potential, pot(MAXSIZE)
rho real*4 MAXSIZE return array of particles density, rho(MAXSIZE)
hsml real*4 MAXSIZE return array of particles hydro smooth length, hsml(MAXSIZE)
temp real*4 MAXSIZE return array of particles temperature, temp(MAXSIZE)
age real*4 MAXSIZE return array of particles age, age(MAXSIZE)
metal real*4 MAXSIZE return array of particles metallicity , metal(MAXSIZE)
u real*4 MAXSIZE return array of particles internal energy , u(MAXSIZE)
id integer MAXSIZE return array of particles index , id(MAXSIZE)
aux real*4 MAXSIZE return auxiliary array , aux(MAXSIZE)
keys real*4 MAXSIZE return keys array, keys(MAXSIZE)


tag value value description
ngas integer #gas particles
nhalo integer #dark matter particles
ndisk integer #old stars particles
nstars integer #stars particles
nbulge integer #bulge particles
nbndry integer #bndry particles
nsel integer #selected particles
time real*4 snapshot time
nvarh integer #hydro arrays (RAMSES)