- Table of contents
- Python user guide, writing data
- Writing data
Python user guide, writing data¶
Install python wrapper using pip from your prefered python interpreter :
pip install python-unsio -U
unsio.output module for writing data¶
Unsio python wrapper has a module called unsio.output that you have to import to your python program. Example :
import unsio.output as uns_out
Writing data¶
Writing UNSIO data from python language is pretty simple and is done in 3 steps:
- UNSIO object instantiation
- Setting data to save
- Saving data
Create/instantiate CUNS_OUT object¶
Unsio python wrapper is based on C++ API with slight modifications to works with numpy arrays. Module unsio.output provides an easy way to save snapshot data, in different format, from a set of methods implemented in CUNS_OUT object. The first step is to instantiate a CUNS_OUT object.
import unsio.input as uns_in
import unsio.output as uns_out
# input
uns = uns_in.CUNS_IN(simname,components,times,float32)
# output
outfile="mysnap.g2" # output filename
type="gadget2" # we choose to save file in gadget2 format
unsout=uns_out.CUNS_OUT(outfile,type,float32) # instantiate output object
CUNS_OUT constructor accepts 3 parameters :
- outfile, is a string, which contain the output file name
- type, is a string which contain the format type in which you want to save (see the list of supported output files )
- float32, is a boolean to activate (True -default) for saving data in single precision / deactivate (False ) for saving data in double precision
Setting data¶
CUNS_OUT class provides one universal function to set data to be stored in a file : CUNS_OUT.setData( data_array, comp, tag)
Setting numpy arrays¶
CUNS_OUT.setData(data_array, comp, tag=None) Args: data_array (array|float) : 1D numpy_array or single value comp (str) : component gas,stars,disk,halo,bndry or bulge tag (str) : array to set example : tag="pos" tag="acc" pos,vel,mass,rho... IMPORTANT : if 'tag' is None, then 'select' is treated as 'tag' (see above) Return : status : 1 if success, 0 otherwise
From argument comp , we specify the component to be treated.
component value | description |
gas | Gas particles |
halo | Dark matter particles |
dm | Dark matter particles |
disk | Old stars particles |
stars | Stars particles |
bulge | Bulge particles |
bndry | bndry particles |
From argument tag , we specify which data we want to set.
tag string | descripton | numpy data_array passed as parameter |
pos | particles positions | numpy 1D array of particles position (size=n*3) |
vel | particles velocities | numpy 1D array of particles velocitie (size=n*3) |
mass | particles masses | numpy 1D array of particles velocitie (size=n) |
acc | particles accelerations | numpy 1D array of particles acceleration (size=n*3) |
pot | particles potential | numpy 1D array of particles potential (size=n) |
rho | particles densities | numpy 1D array of particles density (size=n) |
hsml | particles hsml | numpy 1D array of particles hydro smooth length (size=n) |
temp | particles temperatures | numpy 1D array of particles temperature (size=n) |
age | particles ages | numpy 1D array of particles age (size=n) |
metal | particles metallicity | numpy 1D array of particles metallicity (size=n) |
u | particles internal energy | numpy 1D array of particles internal energy (size=n) |
aux | particles auxilliary (NEMO) | numpy 1D auxiliary array (size=n) |
keys | particles keys (NEMO) | numpy 1D keys array (size=n) |
id | particles indexes (NEMO) | numpy 1D keys array (size=n) |
Setting single value¶
- setData(data_value,tag)
tag specify which data value we want to set
Known tag values are :
tag string | descripton | float or integer value passed as parameter |
time | snapshot time | float value |
Saving data¶
Once you have set all your data, you must call save() method to write file on disk
A complete example¶
To see a complete example, follow this link.