


Method setData()

Here is a complete description of setData() method used to stored data.

setData() method belong to uns::CunsOut class.

Return value

All setData() method, return a boolean "true" in case of success, "false" otherwise.

An overloaded method

Method setData is overloaded and can have different number of arguments

  1. setData(comp, tag, n, array,map=false) see arguments description below
  2. setData( tag, n, array,map=false) see arguments description below
  3. setData( tag, value) see arguments description below

Arguments description

argument type description
comp input c++ string or char * specify requested component (see table below)
tag input c++ string or char * specify requested data type (see table below)
n int set number of particles for the requested data
array float* or int* array fulfilled with the requested data to be saved
value float* or int* value fulfilled with the requested data to be saved
map boolean specify if address of stored data must be mapped or copy (default is copy [false])

Components (comp)

From argument comp , we select the component to be treated.

component value description
gas Gas particles
halo Dark matter particles
dm Dark matter particles
disk Old stars particles
stars Stars particles
bulge Bulge particles
bndry bndry particles

Data (tag)

From argument tag , we specify which data we want to store. If comp is specified in setData() method, then data which belong to the component "comp" will be treated only. If comp is not specified, then data which belong to all the components selected during the object instantiation will be treated.

tag value n array description
pos #particles float * array of particles position (size=n*3)
vel #particles float * array of particles velocitie (size=n*3)
mass #particles float * array of particles velocitie (size=n)
acc #particles float * array of particles acceleration (size=n*3)
pot #particles float * array of particles potential (size=n)
rho #particles float * array of particles density (size=n)
hsml #particles float * array of particles hydro smooth length (size=n)
temp #particles float * array of particles temperature (size=n)
age #particles float * array of particles age (size=n)
metal #particles float * array of particles metallicity (size=n)
u #particles float * array of particles internal energy (size=n)
id #particles int * array of particles index (size=n)
aux #particles float * auxiliary array (size=n)
keys #particles float * return keys array (size=n)
tag value value description
time float * snapshot time