


Starting a unsio project

Unsio package provides a template to start the development of projects using unsio library. It's located in the following directory:


From this template you can start projects using c,c++ or fortran language.

uns_devel template

uns_devel template is a compilation tree with the following structure :

 src/           <------ put your main source code (c,c++,fortan)
 lib/src/       <------ put your source files used to make a library (c,c++,fortran)
  • src directory
    In this directory you will put your main sources code only. They can be in fortran, c or c++ language.
    You'll find also two test programs, one in fortran language, unsio_fortran.F and the other in c++ language,
  • lib/src directory
    Here you can put all the sources files that will be used as a library. A library called "" will be build with all these files.
  • cmake directory and CMakeLists.txt
    You don't have to touch these files, they are used for compilation purpose.

Unsio example programs

In unsio/template/uns_devel/src directory there are two examples programs which use unsio library. One is in fortran language, "unsio_fortran.F" and the other is in C++ language, "".

Project compilation

To configure and install your project, read the following link.

Adding a new source file

Each time you add a new source file in "src" directory or in "lib/src" directory, you must enter the following commands :

cd unsio/template/uns_devel/build
cmake ..