Introduction to iMinuit
Presented the 22/11/2017
Introduction to iMinuit
- iMinuit
Official documentation: http://iminuit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
Tutorials: "Quick Start":http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/iminuit/iminuit/blob/master/tutorial/tutorial.ipynb and "Optimise iMinuit with Cython":http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/iminuit/iminuit/blob/master/tutorial/hard-core-tutorial.ipynb...
Matplotlib example: scatter plot with coloured errorbar / make movie
An example of a scatter plot with with coloured error bar using Matplotlib
How to make a movie from multiple images in one command line using ffmpeg or Libav
Click here to visualise the notebook "Here":https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/urls/projets.lam.fr/attachments/download/4530/Matplotlib%20example%20-%20Scatter%20plot%20with%20errorbars%20-%20Make%20movie%20.ipynb...
Introduction to Conda and Jupyter notebook
Presented the 26/10/2017
Introduction to Conda/Anaconda and Jupyter notebook
Official documentation: https://conda.io/docs/
Youtube tuto: https://youtu.be/YJC6ldI3hWk -
Jupyter notebook
Official documentation: https://jupyter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/...
Matplotlib Graphical User Interface
Example of how to use the Python library Matplotlib to create a Graphical User Interface
Speaker: Bruno Ribeiro
You can visualize the notebook "Here":http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/urls/projets.lam.fr/attachments/download/3667/IntroMatplotlib2D.ipynb and "There":http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/urls/projets.lam.fr/attachments/download/3668/IntroMatplotlibInteraction.ipynb...
SWIG: Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator
You can get the tutorials either online or on the gitlab:
Online tutorial: "Here":http://goo.gl/stbpUh
On gitlab:
git clone https://gitlab.lam.fr/jclamber/swig-tutos.git
git clone git@gitlab.lam.fr:jclamber/swig-tutos.git
Crossmatching galaxies catalogues
Crossmatching a catalogue of galaxies with bright stars base on their magnitude"
or "Playing with indices
Click here to visualise the notebook "Here":http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/urls/projets.lam.fr/attachments/download/3060/hackhour_exercice_crossmatch.ipynb...
Python optimisation with Cython
Examples of how to optimise python code with cython
Click here to visualise the notebook "Here":http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/urls/projets.lam.fr/attachments/download/3318/cython.ipynb
To run it you have to download it though.
Advanced use of APLpy for FITS file
Some examples how to use APLpy for creating nice FITS file
Click here to visualise the notebook "Here":http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/urls/projets.lam.fr/attachments/download/2748/aplpy_examples.ipynb
To run it you have to download it though.
Latest news
Glnemo2 release 1.21.0 is out !
python-unsiotools 1.0.1
Glnemo2 1.20.1 is out !
python-unsio 1.0.0.rc3 and unsio lib 1.3.2
Glnemo2 1.20.0 is out !
New python-unsiotools package
New python-unsio wrapper
Article with glnemo2 rendering
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