


Fortran user guide, reading data

Reading UNSIO data from fortran language is pretty simple and is done in 3 steps:

  1. UNSIO initialization
  2. data loading
  3. data extracting

Unsio intialization

You must first initialize UNSIO engine by calling uns_init() function.


uns_init() accepts 3 parameters :

return value

uns_init() returns a unique identifier ident (positif integer) which will be used later to load data. A negative returned value means that the simulation does not exist or an unknown file format.

Loading data

The next step consist to load a snapshot according to user requests (components and time range) by calling function uns_load_opt():

status=uns_load_opt(ident, bits)

This function accepts two parameters.

  • ident corresponds to the return value of the function uns_init() during unsio initialization.
  • bits is a string variable which specify data (positions, masses,velocities etc..) that the user want to load (see how to select data at loading) . This variable is used to speed up reading process in case the user does not want to load all the data but just only few of them. It can be really interesting when snapshot files are really big. If blank string is used for this parameter, then all data will be loaded.

Return values

This function return 1 in case of success, 0 if end of snapshot reached and -1 if failed.

Getting data

Unsio fortran interface provides several functions to get data stored in a snapshot.

Getting arrays


real * 4 pos(3,MAXBODIES)
integer nstars
character * 80 component, tag

component = "stars" 
tag =  "pos" 

nstars = uns_get_array_f(ident,component,tag ,pos, MAXBODIES )       ! read positions for component stars

In the above example, we explicitly ask to uns_get_array_f method, to return positions for "stars" component. Here is a description of all parameters:

  • ident corresponds to the return value of the function uns_init() during unsio initialization.
  • component specify on which component we want to select, here it's "stars" component.
  • tag specify which array data we want to get. Here it's positions.
  • pos is the array itself where we want positions to be stored ( Three dimensional arrays must be declared always in that way array(3,MAXBODIES) )
  • MAXBODIES specify the second dimension of the array.

To have a complete description of * uns_get_array_f* function, follow this link.

Getting values


integer nbody_select, status
real * 4 time

status = uns_get_value_i(ident, "nsel", nbody_select)       !  return #bodies in nbody_select variable
status = uns_get_value_f(ident, "time", time)                     !  return time step in time variable

There are two functions which return values:
  • uns_get_value_i() returns integer value
  • uns_get_value_f() returns float value

To have a complete description of uns_get_value_X function, follow this link.

Closing file

Use uns_close(ident) to close an open unsio file with unsio initialization, example :

integer ok

ok = uns_close(ident)  ! Ident is the file descriptor return by uns_init

This function accepts one parameter.

Return value

uns_close() returns a positive number (>=0). A negative returned value means that the simulation does not exist or an unexpected error occurred.

Useful functions

In every examples below, first parameter ident , corresponds to the return value of the function uns_init() during unsio initialization.

Input interface type

Subroutine uns_get_interface_type(ident, interface) return in variable interface the type of the snapshot (nemo, gadget1, gadget2, ramses, etc..)

uns_get_interface_type(ident, interface)
integer ident
character *(*) interface

Input snapshot file structure

There are two kinds of input snapshot file structure:

  • range type, like NEMO snapshots. The user may know in which range are spread data into the file.
  • component type, lile Gagdet, Ramses snapshots. In such snapshots, data are structured by components.

Subroutine uns_get_file_structure(ident, fstructure) return in variable fstructure the file structure of the snapshot, range, or component

uns_get_file_structure(ident, fstructure)
integer ident
character *(*) fstructure

Input filename

Subroutine uns_get_file_name(ident, fname) return in variable fname the snapshot filename.
This subroutine can be useful when you work on a list of snapshots or a snapshot stored in sqlite3 database. It will return then, for every time steps, the filename corresponding.

uns_get_file_name(ident, fname)
integer ident
character *(*) fname

Components range

A user may want to load several components at the same time, "gas,disk" for example.

Subroutine uns_get_range(ident,component,size,first,last) retrieve in which indexes ranges are stored requested components in the different arrays (positions, velocities, masses)

status=uns_get_range(ident, "gas",ngas,first,last)

In the above example, uns_get_range() function, return in ngas variable the number of gas particles, in first the index of the first gas particle, in last the index of the last particle.

  • return 1
    The function return 1 if there are gas particles in the snapshot and the user has requested them during unsio initialization.
  • return 0
    If there no gas particles in the snaphot OR the user did not request gas particles during unsio initialization, then the function return 0.

A complete example

To see a complete example, follow this link.