

Stephane Arnouts


open closed Total
Assigned issues 3 0 3
Reported issues 0 0 0


Project Roles Registered on
ANO 5 Developer 2024-02-21
CFHTLS_z Manager 2024-02-20
CLASS Developer 2024-02-21



08:18 CFHTLS_z Action #5497: CFHTLS training tests with high resolution photo-z added

> model "x" (Jo&Je settings) :
> learning rate = 0.0001 to iteration 150000
> learni...
Stephane Arnouts


18:32 CFHTLS_z Action #5497: CFHTLS training tests with high resolution photo-z added

> The models aren't significantly different but the "u" (and even "v") trainings run in half the time as "x" (~4h f...
Stephane Arnouts


17:32 CFHTLS_z Action #5184: Plots and stats from perfAllDataTest.npy
Marie TREYER wrote:
ssuper. On voit le probleme de taille d'entrainement a bas z et faible magnitude
Stephane Arnouts
16:12 CFHTLS_z Action #5184: Plots and stats from perfAllDataTest.npy

> non ce ne sont pas les mêmes objects. pour le CNN ce sont les 19,500 galaxies traités par Johanna, DEEP and WIDE ...
Stephane Arnouts
15:52 CFHTLS_z Action #5184: Plots and stats from perfAllDataTest.npy
Johanna Pasquet wrote:
> On voit vraiment bien l'amélioration :) Merci Marie!
oui mais j'ai des doutes sur la ...
Stephane Arnouts
15:45 CFHTLS_z Action #5184: Plots and stats from perfAllDataTest.npy
Marie TREYER wrote:
merci Marie. C'est pour les memes objets? Tu pourrais regarder le CNN avec le DEEP aussi et s...
Stephane Arnouts


16:09 CFHTLS_z Action #5009: First results on CFHTLS data
Johanna Pasquet wrote:
> Stephane ARNOUTS wrote:
> > Merci Johanna,
> > ca a l'air tres bon ces resultats !
> ...
Stephane Arnouts
12:11 CFHTLS_z Action #5009: First results on CFHTLS data
and we still see the bias problem at high z where Zcnn tend to under-estimate the redshift Stephane Arnouts
12:07 CFHTLS_z Action #5009: First results on CFHTLS data
Merci Johanna,
ca a l'air tres bon ces resultats !
J'ai un doute sur la definition des outliers ?
Il faut le...
Stephane Arnouts

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